My name is Dave Mckeown and I love to help people.
As a LEADER for over 20 years, I have easily put in more than 10,000 hours that researchers say is what makes the difference:-)
I know what it is like to be responsible for creating innovative ways to grow a church (business), staff development, budgets, sermon and content creation and much more.
We are all leading something and someone, even if it is just ourselves. You are a leader!
So I want to help you and make your life a little easier by sharing what I have learned over the last 20 years and what I am currently learning as someone with a growth mindset. I am offering the following TWO SIMPLE STEPS that you can access to move you to create the future you want, especially if you feel stuck or unsure of how to get there.
+ A bit more about me
Husband to an awesome wife and father to a super son who makes me so proud.
I am privileged to be working at IKON CHURCH. A multisite church based in the UK as one of the Pastors, with Paul Benger and a fantastic team of people.
As a trained coach, my role would be to come alongside you as a ‘thinking partner’ to allow you to feel heard, ask you helpful questions so you can gain new insights into your journey. This type of coaching will help you feel empowered to take your next steps.
In my blog, I will share innovative ideas and conversations around the following three significant areas to help anyone who wants to grow and become the best version of themselves.